written by D.G. Watson directed by Ahmed Best produced by Kelly Beech, Chris Fields, and Tessa Slovis production stage manager: Trevor Lee
“AN INTRICATE WEB… As close to a virtual experience as a live performance can achieve… questions reality, life, and death… Echo Theatre Company’s ensemble of excellent performers bring authenticity.” — Leigh Kennicott, Showmag
“SOPHISTICATED, COMPLEX AND CHALLENGING… Its science fiction trappings provide a lens through which to view our currently reality… [provides] a satisfying dramatic catharsis.” — Steve Biodrowski, Hollywood Gothique
A sci-fi mystery-thriller that strikes at the heart of our assumptions about faith, memory and reality. Rebel suffers from amnesia. She’s trapped inside a long, narrow box. Nobody knows she’s in there… nobody but you. For some strange reason, your mind and her mind are psychically linked, and only you can help her escape.
featuring Josh Adams Leandro Cano Sami Cavestani Elise DuRant Steve Hofvendahl Gloria Ines Charrell Mack Karen Sours